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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting -  June 8, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Hovious, Cramer, Wilson and Wright
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm

Commissioner Hovious requested to add an item under New Business “Hattertown, LLC”.  Commissioner Cramer motioned to add this item to the agenda.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation – One member of the public and one member of the press were present.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of May 25, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved as amended.

Old Business – Action Items

  • Commission Critical Work Matrix (Mission Statement for Strategic Planning) –  The commissioners reviewed the Critical Work Matrix.  The Strategic Planning mission statement was submitted and reviewed.  An Invasive Plant Control Mission Statement is to be completed.
  • Duck Day Review –  Everything went well on Duck Day.  The commissioners discussed purchasing a tent to be used at such events.  
  • POCD Planning – The POCD list was reviewed with George Benson.  The commissioners will review and discuss all the items to be placed in the POCD.  A draft will be submitted to Planning & Zoning with a notation that it may be updated once a more thorough review is completed.
New Business

  • Water Use in the Pootatuck – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion regarding United Water and the need for water for a section of Brookfield.  The commissioners will review how this may impact natural resources (Pootatuck river and watershed, the aquifer, water quality and wildlife in open space.  The commission will wait for the completion of the USGS study/report and will then draft a letter.
  • River Naming in Newtown – The commissioners discussed having a plaque or sign placed on the bridge in Sandy Hook designating the Pootatuck River.  Commissioners Cramer and Wright will draft a sign and call the Highway Department to make sure it can be done and if they provide signage.  
  • Hattertown, LLC (P & Z Referral) – Planning and Zoning referred this five lot subdivision to the commission for review and asked for a response by June 25, 2010.  Commissioners Wilson and Wright will review the plans, make comments, and submit to the Commission for review.  Ms. Hazen will forward prior comments on this subdivision to Commissioner Hovious.

Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Status of the Forest Activities – NFA Presentation – Commissioner Cramer discussed information received from Mark Ashton, Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.  He quoted a cost of $2,500 to $3,000.  Commissioner Cramer will write professor Ashton asking him for more criteria they would need in order to determine what parcel is appropriate.  Commissioner Wright discussed a presentation at the Newtown Forest Association’s Annual Meeting by Marlyse Duguid, a recent master’s graduate from the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.  Ms. Duguid based her Masters Thesis on an assessment of NFA’s Green Leaf Farms parcel.  Commissioners Hovious and Wright noted she offered a well-rounded assessment of the property that included information on invasive control, mowing, soils, trail potential, as well as the history of the property.  They felt this may be a great model in handling the open space forests.  The commission will develop a criteria for choosing appropriate sites.  

2.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

  • Tech Park Revised Plans and Maps –  The Inland Wetlands Public Hearing is scheduled for July 14, 2010.
  • Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress –  Item tabled.
  • Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection  – Item tabled.
  • Ferris Farm Monument Ceremony – The ceremony is set for Friday, June 11th, 2010.
  • Taunton Lake Status – No updates.
3.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – The commissioners discussed a draft of “A Program for Reduction of Invasive Plants in Newtown” distributed by Commissioner Wilson.  The suggestions included:  Goals (raise awareness of the invasive plants problem; gain active support from a broad-based segment of the town’s population; and reduce invasive plants from selected open space areas, trails and road sides);  Components that will target regional governments, town government, neighborhoods, clubs, organizations and schools, and individual residents.  It also includes the scope of the work, education and publicity.  The commissioners discussed having a line item on the budget for invasive removals and/or developing some kind of fundraising techniques.  They also discussed the development of an Invasives Task Force to try to get as many people involved as possible.
4.      Al's Trail No updates.

5.      Conservation Easement Language for New Open Space on Queen Street – Tabled.  Mr. Sibley to send a .PDF of the Conservation Easement language to Commissioner Hovious.

  • Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report –  Commissioner Hovious discussed an e-mail from Mr. Sibley referencing an e-mail from Bill Root asking if there are other parcels the commission would like him to look at as part of the NRI.  The commissioners reviewed the open space parcel map and determined that Loveland, Winter Ridge, and the parcel off the end of Chestnut Knoll is a good place to start.
  • IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing – Commissioner Hovious went to the wetlands public hearing.  The commissioners discussed possible hazards on the site, including the creosote-treated railroad ties, how the vibrations of the railcars affect the wildlife, and potential hazards of waste loading, etc.  Commissioner Hovious will draft a letter to the Inland Wetlands Commission and forward it to the commissioners for comments.  Commissioner Wilson will then complete the final version.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.